DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (Level 6 UK / Level 8 Ireland - Hon. Degree Level).
A) Timing - The Diploma in Business Management Level 8 is taken over 11 full Saturdays.
B) Many people complete the Diploma in Business Management to improve their career opportunities in senior management.
C) No examinations. Instead you complete a practical written assignment or research project for each unit related to your work or experience.
D) We give you online access to all the course materials you need to complete your reading and prepare for your assignments.
E) Support is available to you whenever you need it via telephone, email and WhatsApp or Skype. Tutorial support is provided to help you prepare for your assignments.
ABMA Education Awards - this is an OFQUAL-approved accreditation body recognised in Ireland and the UK.
International Recognition: - The courses are recognised internationally as they are certified through OFQUAL.
Entry is open – no prior qualifications are required to enrol for the Level 8 Diploma as a combination of knowledge, skill and practical experience can be taken into account as part of the process of Recognition of Prior Learning, (RPL).